Johannes Kepler University Linz – JKU, is located in Linz, Austria. Today, more than 20,000 students study at the JKU, at four faculties and 127 institutions and more than 60 modern, hands-on academic degree programmes. The University has signed partnerships with more than 500 international research and educational institutions. According to the World University Rankings, JKU is ranked 601–800th World University Rankings for the 2021 year and 101-150th Young University Rankings 2016 year. Linz School of Education is a faculty on JKU. This faculty host more than 50 PhD students in the field of education. Linz School of Education leaded by Professor Dr Markus Hohenwarter who is the head of GeoGebra, together with whom works on improving education. GeoGebra is a global learning platform that today has more than 100 million users, and which contains about 10 million different educational materials.
Branko Andjic, is research project manager at Johannes Kepler University, Austria. He received his PhD in 2020 in the field of STEAM education for visual impairment students. During his doctoral research, he stayed for professional and scientific training at five European universities in Austria, England and Slovenia, Montenegro and Serbia. He is the author of a textbook in Biology for pre university level education, as well as a manual for teachers. He is the author of twenty-five scientific papers in international peer-review journals. So far, he has been involved in 7 international and 5 national projects in the field of education.
Professor Zsolt Lavicza (BA, BA, MS, MA, MPhil, PhD) after receiving his degrees in mathematics and physics in Hungary, Zsolt began his postgraduate studies in applied mathematics at the University of Cincinnati. While teaching mathematics in Cincinnati he became interested in researching issues in the teaching and learning mathematics. In particular, he focused on investigating issues in relation to the use of technology in undergraduate mathematics education. Afterwards, both at the Universities of Michigan and Cambridge, he has worked on several research projects examining technology and mathematics teaching in a variety of classroom environments. In addition, Zsolt has greatly contributed to the development of the GeoGebra community and participated in developing research projects on GeoGebra and related technologies worldwide. Currently, Zsolt is a Full Professor in STEM Education Research Methods at Johannes Kepler University’s Linz School of Education. From JKU he is working on numerous research projects worldwide related to technology integration into schools; leading the doctoral programme in STEAM Education at JKU; teaching educational research methods worldwide; and coordinates research projects within the International GeoGebra Institute.