Zoltán Papp is a college professor of the Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences. He teaches Numerical mathematics, Statistics, Theory of decision making and Introduction to computer science. His research is dedicated to numerical optimization, primarily to solving systems of large-scale nonlinear monotone equations and to solving nonlinear complementarity problems.
Gordana Stankov is a college professor of mathematics at Subotica Tech – College and teaches the first year subjects of mathematics (Linear Algebra and Calculus). Her research topic is didactics of mathematics, with the special aspect of the use of concrete and visual representations and dynamic software in teaching and learning mathematics.
Ladislav Jaruska is an assistant professor of the Department of Mathematics. He teaches subjects as Didactics of Mathematics and Statistics. His main research area is didactics of mathematics, especially using digital technologies in teaching of mathematical subjects.
Zuzana Árki is an assistant professor of the Department of Mathematics. She teaches theory of education of mathematics to students majoring in teacher training and in pre-school and elementary education. Her field of research is mainly dedicated to didactics of mathematics.
Zoltán Fehér is an assistant professor of the Department of Mathematics. He teaches Theory of probability and Statistics. His research is dedicated to didactics of mathematics, primarily to creating learning materials with the support of digital technologies.
Vanda Santos is a Researcher at the Research Centre Didatics and Technology in Education of Trainers (CIDTFF) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She teaches subjects in the area of Didactics of Mathematics and previously has been teaching various Mathematics subjects, in different Polytechnic Institutes as assistant and at University Timor Lorosa’e of East Timor as invited professor. Her main research area are educational technologies, computational geometry, mathematical software, mathematics , education, with special focus on collaborative learning, active learning and development of mathematical reasoning
Mathematics and didactics of mathematics for Primary School and Kindergarten Teacher Training College’s students, Coordinator of pedagogical practice for students at kindergartens and also at primary schools.
Coordinator of primary and preschool teacher training bachelor study program
Coordinator of pedagogical practice for students at kindergarten and also at primary schools.
Branko Andjic, is research project manager at Johannes Kepler University, Austria. He received his PhD in 2020 in the field of STEAM education for visual impairment students. During his doctoral research, he stayed for professional and scientific training at five European universities in Austria, England and Slovenia, Montenegro and Serbia. He is the author of a textbook in Biology for pre university level education, as well as a manual for teachers. He is the author of twenty-five scientific papers in international peer-review journals. So far, he has been involved in 7 international and 5 national projects in the field of education.
After receiving his degrees in mathematics and physics in Hungary, Zsolt began his postgraduate studies in applied mathematics at the University of Cincinnati. While teaching mathematics in Cincinnati he became interested in researching issues in the teaching and learning mathematics. In particular, he focused on investigating issues in relation to the use of technology in undergraduate mathematics education. Afterwards, both at the Universities of Michigan and Cambridge, he has worked on several research projects examining technology and mathematics teaching in a variety of classroom environments. In addition, Zsolt has greatly contributed to the development of the GeoGebra community and participated in developing research projects on GeoGebra and related technologies worldwide. Currently, Zsolt is a Full Professor in STEM Education Research Methods at Johannes Kepler University’s Linz School of Education. From JKU he is working on numerous research projects worldwide related to technology integration into schools; leading the doctoral programme in STEAM Education at JKU; teaching educational research methods worldwide; and coordinates research projects within the International GeoGebra Institute.
Kovács Zoltán is an associate professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eszterházy Károly University. After a Ph.D. in pure mathematics (differential geometry) from the University of Debrecen in 1994, he developed a mathematics education research activity. His research includes using technology in mathematics learning, mathematical problem-solving, problem posing, and mathematics teachers’ professional development.
Ilona Téglási is an assistant professor of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eszterházy Károly University. Her main field is the methodology of teaching mathematics. Her research interest is the development of mathematical competence and gamebased teaching of mathematics. She also has 20 years of practice in teaching mathematics at secondary school.
Miklós Hoffmann is a full professor of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eszterházy Károly University. His main research interests focus on various fields of geometry and its applications, including computer aided design. He has also a strong commitment to methodical, educational and philosophical aspects of these fields.