PUSE Methodology Book
About the book
„The PUSE methodological book doesn’t claim completeness, i.e. it is not a closed collection of exercises. This couldn’t have been its purpose. The Poly-Universe in fact is not simply a tangible tool or a closed-system puzzle, but an open math-art system which models the Universe, allowing a glimpse into its internal laws. This book is a beginning, just like Christopher Columbus’s undertaking once was, who was first to cross the ocean, to let others following his footsteps discover America.
The PUSE methodology book opens up the way for teachers and students, artists and scientists. We can all enter into Poly-Universe’s spacious world, explore its complex realm, further discover its laws and regulations. While Poly-Universe offers scale shift, the methodology based on the tool offers a change of attitude for today’s educational system – not in order to achieve small, medium or large bits of knowledge, but endless knowledge…”
Zsuzsa Dárdai
Art critic, pedagogue
Publisher, Poly-Universe Ltd
To download the books, visit PUSE Treasury
Impressum of the book
PUSE (Poly-Universe in School Education)
Visual Experience Based Mathematics Education
Edited by
János Szász SAXON
Dr Eleonóra Stettner PhD
Published by
Zsuzsa Dárdai, Poly-Universe Ltd
2624 Szokolya, Fő utca 23, Hungary
PUSE online interfaces,
web design by Ervin Zsubori
Copyright © The Publisher and the Authors 2019
All rights reserved!
It is forbidden to reproduce and distribute the whole or part of the book for business purposes.
The publisher’s permission is required to expand, translate and further publish the book and the PUSE Methodology.
Printing works by
Zoltán Kovács, KOZO Print Ltd, Budapest
Image & Book design: Saxon
ISBN 978-615-81267-0-0 (English edition)
ISBN 978-615-81267-3-1 (Hungarian edition)
PUSE Tasks for Students
PUSE tasks for students divided into five chapters are available below. Select the appropriate section and then click on the desired job name (the letters A, B, C, AB, BC will indicate the different age groups). The opening pdf-form is freely downloadable and can be printed. Good work!
- A for age 8-12
- B for age 10-16
- C for age 14-18
101A | 102A | 103A | 104A | 105A | 106A | 107A | 108A | 109A | 110A | 111A | 112A | 113A | 114A | 115A | 116A | 117A | 118A | 119B | 120B | 121B | 122B | 123B | 124B | 125B | 126B | 127B | 128B | 129B | 130BC | 131BC | 132BC | 133C | 134C | 135C | 136C | 137C | 138C | 139C | 140C | 141C | 142C | 143C
201A | 202A | 203A | 204A | 205A | 206AB | 207B | 208B | 209B | 210B | 211B | 212B | 213B | 214B |215B | 216B | 217B | 218B | 219BC | 220BC | 221BC | 222C | 223C | 224C | 225C | 226C | 227C | 228C | 229C | 230C | 231C | 232C | 233C | 234C | 235C | 236C
301A | 302A | 303A | 304A | 305A | 306A | 307A | 308A | 309A | 310A | 311A | 312AB | 313AB | 314B | 315B | 316B | 317B | 318B | 319BC
PUSE Feladatok diákoknak
A diákoknak szóló PUSE feladatok, öt fejezetre osztva, az alábbiakban érhetők el. Válassza ki a megfelelő fejezetet, majd azon belül kattintson a kívánt feladatnévre (a néven belül az A, B, C, AB, BC betűk a különböző korosztályokat jelölik). A megnyíló, pdf formátumú feladatlap szabadon letölthető, illetve kinyomtatható. Jó munkát!
- A: 8-12 éveseknek
- B: 10-16 éveseknek
- C: 14-18 éveseknek