Federation Navarra de Ikastolas organizes the Conference on the European project Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) for teachers of Primary and Secondary Education.

The main objective of the Conference is to make known the didactic possibilities that the PUSE game has in different educational areas.

Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) is an Erasmus+ project developed to explore the possibilities for Mathematics and Art education: the Poly-Universe Methodology. The project is based on the Poly-Universe game, which is a geometric skill development game by János Szász SAXON fine artist. The novelty of Poly-Universe lies in the ‘scale-shifting’ symmetry inherent to its geometric forms and a color combination system, which can be used universally and impact the educational system, particularly in the education of geometry and combinatorics. The complexity emerging out of Poly-universe’s simplicity makes it more than a game, more than art, more than mathematics: these elements come all together – creating synergy in education.

Program of the Conference

  • Title: Working Mathematics and Art in Basic Education
  • When: June 25
  • Where: Palace of the Condestable in Pamplona
  • Duration: 09: 00- 12:30
  • Invited: Teachers of Primary Education and teachers of Mathematics, Art and Technology of Secondary Education.
  • Language: Basque


09:00 – 09:30. Registration and credentials

09:30 – 09:45. Presentation of the project and its characteristics in the world of Ikastolas (Elena Zabaleta and Josu Reparaz)

09:45 – 10:30.

  • Contextualization of the project (Irene López-Goñi)
  • Poly-Universe and Mathematics (Jesús Maria Goñi)
  • The Madi movement in Art (Idoia Legarreta)

10:30 – 11:00. Coffe break

11:00 – 12:30. Workshops (in different classrooms)

The workshops and the content of these will be developed as follows:

  • A: Primary Education 1rst, 2nd and 3th level
  • B: Primary Education 4th, 5th and 6th levels.
  • C: High School: teachers of Mathematics, Art and Technology

Each registered institution will receive a book.

> Detailed program (pdf)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Summary of the PUSE Conference

  • Participants: 69 teachers
  • Participants in A workshop: 35
  • Participants in B workshop: 25
  • Participants in C workshop: 9
  • Number of Institutions participants in the Conference: 17
  • Books distributed during the Conference:
    • 17 for each of the Institutions participating in the Conference
    • 9 for each of those responsible for the workshops
    • 4 for different members of the Education Department of the Government of Navarre

(The books distributed as well as the addresses of each institution are on separate sheet. The relation of each participant with the Institution that represents and his address is consigned with a number in the left part superior to the name and data of each participant).

About the content of the program

A: Primary Education 1rst, 2nd and 3th level

  • Classroom: 16 (third floor)
  • Title: How to organize the corner of Mathematics and the corner of Art in the first levels of Primary Education. Suggestions.
  • Workshop managers: Nora Uribeetxeberria (Arangoiti Ikastola) and Irene López-Goñi (NIE)

In this workshop, a proposal has been made to work the two important areas of the primary education curriculum: in these levels work by working corners. That wants to say that a fundamentally manipulatory proposal must be made of the proposed activities. During the workshop, a proposal to manage the class with the manipulative material was developed.

B: Primary Education 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

  • Classroom: 18 (third floor)
  • Title: A way to learn geometry from a dynamic perspective. Digital possibilities.
  • Workshop managers: Garazi Larrañaga (Arangoiti Ikastola) and Jesús Maria Goñi (Textbook creator)

In this workshop, a proposal has been made to work the geometry from a dynamic perspective. This can be the great contribution you make from the point of view, both manipulatory and digital. It was requested to the participants that would carry portable computers to be able to work about concrete proposals. Designs for materials (mobile telephone case, calendar, cups, etc) were made.

C: High School: teachers of Mathematics, Art and Technology

  • Classroom: Main room
  • Title: Possibilities of PUSE from a STEAM and MAKER perspective.
  • Workshop manager: Idoia Legarreta (Zangozako Ikastola)

In this workshop, a proposal has been made to work in an integrated way several areas of knowledge, mainly: mathematics, technology and art.

The prospect of work is to develop a project involving these three areas. The work project starts from having a product idea, making a diagram of its possible development, verifying its viability, designing it, and developing it. The presentation of this workshop as well as the work done by the students was shared with the participants at the conference.


  • On Friday, July 5, 2013, the Xaloa television network will interview the project coordinator Irene López-Goñi.
  • The Conference has been given to know by different means of diffusion. Previously and to enhance the invitation to it, the PUSE book was presented to the media. The newspaper named: Diario de Noticias has published the new. This newspaper has more than 10.000 lectors.
  • The program and its results have been published on the facebook of the Navarra Federation of Ikastolas. 5.000 followers.


  • The satisfaction index has been very high in all the workshops, with a score of 9 on 10.
  • The evaluation of satisfaction was done through the digital tool “mentimeter”. The quantitative evaluation was placed in 9 on 10.
  • The qualitative evaluation had many compliments of the type: Great! Wishing to put it into practice. Very stimulating, Very interesting. etc.


  • In September 2019, a survey will be conducted to find out how many schools are interested in buying the PUSE game.
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