Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences was founded in 1960 and is one of the most respected state-funded higher education institutions in Serbia. In the period of over 50 years, the college has produced thousands of engineers whose work has contributed to the development of industry in the vicinity of Subotica and beyond.

Students can study in two languages at the college: Hungarian or Serbian. Therefore, the college plays an important role in educating members of the Hungarian minority in their mother tongue.

There are the following five Bachelor Programs in Engineering Studies at Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences: Electro-technics, Engineering Management, Information technologies, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics.

The college has been quite successful and well respected and can boast good results in preparing students for different fields of life starting from education to employment by technical corporations and IT sector. Our graduates acquire applicable and practical knowledge required in industrial sphere. The teaching staffs of the college are experienced in inclusion process of students with specific needs (dyslexia, impaired vision, autism…).

More information about the college can be found at:

Gordana Stankov is a college professor of mathematics at Subotica Tech – College and teaches the first year subjects of mathematics (Linear Algebra and Calculus). Her research topic is didactics of mathematics, with the special aspect of the use of concrete and visual representations and dynamic software in teaching and learning mathematics.

Zoltán Papp is a college professor of the Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences. He teaches Numerical mathematics, Statistics, Theory of decision making and Introduction to computer science. His research is dedicated to numerical optimization, primarily to solving systems of large-scale nonlinear monotone equations and to solving nonlinear complementarity problems.